Shu-yu Guo

Blog Posts

The Semantics of All JS Class Elements

2 May, 2018


EMME: a formal tool for ECMAScript Memory Model Evaluation

Mattarei, Barrett, Guo, Nelson, Smith, Bastien. TACAS 2018.

Optimization Coaching for JavaScript

St-Amour, Guo. ECOOP 2015.

Fast and Precise Hybrid Type Inference for JavaScript

Hackett, Guo. PLDI 2012.

The Essence of Compiling with Traces

Guo, Palsberg. POPL 2011. full version with proofs

Lazy Contract Checking for Immutable Data Structures

Findler, Guo, Rogers. IFL 2007.

Creative Writing

I Meant You Should Enjoy Yourself

Short story, 2015.


Short story, 2015.

The Paperweight

Short story, 2011.

I am mostly known for my work on JavaScript and participation in TC39, the JavaScript standards committee.

I work at Google on V8, leading the JS language subteam. Previously, I worked at Bloomberg. Before that, I worked at Mozilla, first in Research, then led JS language work on SpiderMonkey.

I was a programming languages graduate student at UCLA under Jens Palsberg. I did my undergraduate studies in computer science (under Robby Findler) and linguistics at the home for tortured intellectuals, the University of Chicago.seal